|My Kind of Madness|

Moving to NC I knew I was going to encounter basketball fanatics. That part was expected. However, I had no idea how consumed the entire region would be over March Madness. I’m quickly finding out the entire country is consumed with it- I just didn’t have friends that were until I moved here so I lived in peaceful ignorant bliss.

Never in my life have I been so pressured to fill out a bracket and join in on all the festive banter between fans. Don’t worry… I have withheld the past two years, I’m going to keep my neutral state among these discussions.

This week though, I saw a post that was like manna from heaven. March Music Madness…. PURE GENIUS. Now this is a bracket that I can get behind.

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 Also, Ryan Secrest has his own version of March Music Madness with rounds of killer covers. Since I recently saw frozen, I was dying over the frozen battle. Here are my two favorites!

Yes, my kind of madness indeed. 
